Save9 aims to ensure that its customers receive the best possible service. To do this, it is important that we understand the needs of customers who have a disability, or customers who, as a result of circumstances may be vulnerable, which means that we need to provide them with additional assistance. Throughout this policy we refer to these customers as Vulnerable Customers.
We offer a range of support services which can be used to assist Vulnerable Customers with particular accessibility needs. This policy sets out our working practices and the support services that are available to our customers if they need them.
What is a Vulnerable Customer?
A Vulnerable Customer is a customer who, due to their personal circumstances, may be susceptible to harm or detriment.
There is no strict definition of a Vulnerable Customer. However, there may be a number of factors that could cause a customer to become vulnerable, resulting in a need for us to provide support services.
A customer may be vulnerable due to a number of factors such as:
a) Age
b) Physical or learning disability
c) Physical or mental illness
d) Low literacy skills
e) Communication difficulties
f) Isolation
g) Changes in circumstances, such as bereavement or financial difficulties
The cause of a vulnerability may be temporary or permanent, can vary widely, and may not always be obvious.
Save9 understands that not all people with a disability are vulnerable, and that each customer is different. We are ready to provide support services to Vulnerable Customers where needed.
Identifying our customers’ needs
We are committed to ensuring that Vulnerable Customers receive fair and appropriate treatment and have specially trained staff who are dedicated to meeting the needs of our vulnerable customers.
We understand that vulnerability does not affect everyone in the same way, and we believe that each Vulnerable Customer needs to be assessed on an individual basis.
We have trained all of our staff to identify Vulnerable Customers, and to work with those customers to: understand their needs; provide practical support; agree with the customer the support services that are needed and where necessary refer those customers to our specialist team who are on hand to help customers that need extra assistance.
We would encourage customers whose circumstances make them vulnerable, to inform Customer Support of their accessibility needs. This will assist us in ensuring that the correct support services are in place for a customer as soon as possible.
We may need to ask your permission to keep a record of any personal information about your disability, or vulnerability, and any support services that you would like us to provide. This information is recorded on our system notes for internal use. We will periodically check with you whether the information we have recorded remains up to date and update our records to ensure that we continue to meet your changing needs. For more information about how we hold or use your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Should a customer feel that they need to update their account details records to reflect a change or changes to their accessibility needs, they should contact the Customer Support team who will be happy to help.
When we are talking to our customers, we will always:
a) be patient, and allow the customer time to consider their options and explain their position;
b) avoid using jargon and think about the language we use; and,
c) be prepared to repeat or rephrase information and explanations, where needed.
Our support services
Save9 offers or can direct you to a range of different support services. These include:
a) Alternative formats: we can provide, upon request, copies of bills, and Save9 documents (e.g., the Code of Practice, Save9 Internet policies and the Terms and Conditions) in accessible alternative formats, such as audio, in large print, or in Braille.
b) Priority Fault Repair: we will provide priority fault repair as swiftly as practicable to customers who are vulnerable or have a disability and have a need for an urgent repair. We’ll prioritise repairs for these customers, but please be aware that there may be circumstances outside our control which may prevent an immediate response e.g., where storms or floods prevent our engineers from being able to carry out repairs. All our vulnerable customers are automatically given access to our 24 hour fix arrangements.
c) Next Generation Text Relay: if you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech impediment, you may wish to use the Relay UK app (available at This service allows for a conversation to be typed into a phone keypad and then connected with the person being contacted. A relay assistant will help connect the customer and the person being called. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
d) Emergency Services access: if you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech impediment, you may wish to set up a suitable device so you can contact the emergency services using text relay via the service available at or video relay access via the service available at
e) BT directory enquiries: if you’re unable to use a printed directory due to visual impairment or other disabilities, there is a directory enquiries service that may meet your accessibility needs – please ring 118 500; calls to 118 500 cost 77p per call plus £1.55 per minute including VAT, plus your phone company’s access charge.
f) Third party bill management: you can appoint a nominated party (i.e. trusted friends and family members or a bill management company) on your account. This means that you can appoint someone you trust to discuss all aspects of your account, make payments and also make changes to your account. The nominated party is not directly liable for any changes that they make to your account: as the account holder you would remain liable for all costs incurred in relation to your account and use of the Service.
g) Financial difficulties: if you are struggling to pay your bills, or you’re worried that a bill may go unpaid due to circumstances beyond your control, we can offer additional help and support. We will deal with each customer on a case-by-case basis and seek to find a workable solution.
h) Supply of “uninterruptable power supply” during power cut: we provide this solution, which uses battery back up to enable internet and VoIP services to continue for 1 hour and to be used, if required, to contact emergency services, free of charge to those who have an increased reliance on access to a landline.
i) A Social Tariff for Broadband Services: if you are a new or existing customer claiming certain forms of Government support, you are eligible to receive our Broadband Service at a reduced cost. Please get in touch with us for full details.
Customers can contact our Customer Support team via the following methods:
a) Telephone: 01723 817999 to speak to Customer Support. Our lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm.
b) Post: Save9 Limited, Customer Support Department, 1A Newchase Court, Hopper Hill Road, Scarborough. YO11 3YS
c) Email: